EEG University
Circumferential Montage Manuscript: Midline and Parasagittal Seizures Are Rare In Adult Patients
Kapil Gururangan, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Josef Parvizi, Stanford University Medical Center | Accepted 15 August 2019
Combining data from 16 studies, the prevalence of midline or parasagittal abnormalities was 0.71% (1,211 of 169,510)
- The study clearly confirms that focal midline or parasagittal seizure are rare.
- In a cohort of 300 patients, 17 were found to have seizure activity; of these, only two were documented to have focal midline or parasagittal seizures
- Combining data from 16 studies, the prevalence of midline or parasagittal abnormalities was 0.71% (1,211 of 169,510) and both of these focal seizures were also visible in temporal EEG channels
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