EEG University

Peer Reviewed

Circumferential Montage Manuscript: Diagnostic Value of Electroencephalography with Ten Electrodes in Critically Ill Patients

Brandon Westover, Massachusetts General Hospital; Kapil Gururangan, The Mount Sinai Hospital; Matthew Markert, Stanford University Medical Center | Accepted 15 February 2020

EEG recordings using a circumferential 10-electrode montage meet the gold standard for seizure detection

  • Removing confounding factors, the overall concordance between fm-EEG and rm-EEG increased from 79.7% to 99.0%, and the sensitivity and specificity of rm-EEG compared to fm-EEG in detecting seizure cases increased to 97.5% and 100.0%, respectively.
  • The concordance between fm-EEG and rm-EEG observed in Phase II… was 95%
  • These findings demonstrate that differences between fm-EEG and rm-EEG can largely be explained by variability in EEG pattern classification across readers and incorporation of asymmetric clinical information into EEG interpretation rather than by true detection failure of rm-EEG as a result of electrode reduction
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