EEG University

Peer Reviewed

Role of Epileptic Activity in Older Adults With Delirium, a Prospective Continuous EEG Study

Sambin, S., et al | Accepted 27 February 2019


NCSE is more common in elderly patients; EEG should be considered for elderly patients experiencing acute confusional state or delirium, even in the presence of a presumed symptomatic cause

NCSE was found in 6 (12%) patients and interictal discharges in 15 (30%). There was no difference in the prevalence of epileptic activity rates between delirium associated with an acute medical condition and delirium of unknown etiology.

Epileptic activity may play a substantial role in the pathophysiology of delirium by altering brain functioning and neuronal metabolism. No clinical or biological marker was found to distinguish delirious patients with or without epileptic activity, underlining the importance of cEEG in this context.

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