EEG University
Rapid EEG in Tertiary Care Manuscript: Utility of Rapid EEG – Experience From a Tertiary Care Medical Center
Kapil Gururangan, Stanford University Medical Center;Babak Ravazi, Stanford University Medical Center; Josef Parvizi, Stanford University Medical Center | Accepted 20 October 2016
Assessing the utility of continuous and spot EEG in a tertiary care center by quantifying access time and diagnostic yield
- Even in a modern United States tertiary care setting with state-of-the-art EEG practice and 24 h on-call EEG technician services, there is a noticeable delay in access to EEG
- EEG access time was 3.7 ± 4.1 h, ranging from half an hour to more than 24 h
- Because non-convulsive seizures are associated with increased morbidity and mortality, more rapid acquisition of EEG in these cases might result in valuable changes in management
- Technicians were asked to note specific reasons why an EEG might be delayed, which included technician or machine unavailability (33%)
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