EEG University
NCSE Is A Medical Emergency – Dr. DaiWai Olson
Dr. DaiWai Olson
Dr. DaiWai Olson discusses real-world cases and nurse contribution for Rapid EEG to diagnose and treat NCSE in critical care (recorded at Ceribell’s Symposium at NCS 2019)
DaiWai Olson is a Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery at UTSouthwestern Medical Center. Dr. Olson’s work is focused on developing a more comprehensive understanding of how nursing care contributes to patient outcomes following acquired brain injury. He has published over 250 manuscripts, 16 book chapters, and 150 scientific abstracts. He is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Neuroscience Nursing and the co-chair of the international Neurocritical Care Research Network.
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